Term 3 Newsletter 24/25
- Message from the Headteacher
- Oxbridge Offers
- Headteacher's Commendation Awards
- Term 3 Superstars
- International Bomber Command Centre
- Hardwick Hall
- Year 10 Trip to Sheffield
- Beyond the Classroom: A Journey into Shakespeare’s Darkest Tragedy
- House Music
- QEHS Talent Show
- ABRSM Results
- Cheryl Wins Two Medals at the Northern Athletics Championships
- Success for Abigail and Henry at the Anglian Schools Championships
- Maisie and Amelia play against Leicester City
- Charlie’s Athletics Success
- Year 7 and 8 Literacy
- Authors, Authors Everywhere!
- Careers
- Save the Children
- Mvumi School Trust
- The Royal British Legion
- Mrs Redgate-Large's Sweet Sale
- Term 3 House Standing
- Term 4 House Events
- Term 3 Staffing Update
- Buy-A-Brick Campaign
- Follow us on Social Media
- Retford FC Ladies
- The Dog House
Message from the Headteacher
Dear QEHS Community,
As always, and never any different to other points throughout the academic year, Term 3 has been another busy and successful period of time in school with notable academic and personal achievements across the student body as you will discover from the content in this latest edition of our regular QEHS Newsletter.
Having just recently received offers to join colleges at Oxford or Cambridge, Eboney, Tom, Noah and Jonah are deservedly on cloud nine at the moment. The Sixth Form team and senior staff have adopted a fresh approach this year to supporting students with their UCAS applications and college/medical school interviews, ably pioneered by Mrs Walsh. Everyone is extremely pleased, therefore, that our Year 13 students have been securing great offers and have excelled in interviews over recent months. Just the small matter of securing those all important entry grades now!
QEHS very much prides itself on the extensive co-curricular offer which presents students with the chance to learn beyond the classroom and to gain experiences that develop character, deepen interest and stimulate intellectual curiosity. This term, then, you will be able to read of the impact that recent trips to the International Bomber Command Centre and Hardwick Hall have had in prompting scholarly endeavour and academic inquisitivity amongst our Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 historians.
Year 10 and 11 students have also just recently been afforded the opportunity to cement their appreciation and understanding of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Gripped by the modern screening and interpretation of this darkest of tragedies, students and staff alike were mesmerised by David Tennant's interpretation and delivery of Macbeth. As a core text within the GCSE English Literature Scheme of Learning, to have seen the play in this way will be massively advantageous when it comes to producing quality responses in forthcoming public examinations. A great example of 'sticky learning'!
Sporting success continues with Cheryl, Abigail, Henry, Charlie, Maisie and Amelia's achievements across athletics, cross country and football at a regional level of competition. The ability and determination of all students at QEHS who engage in sport not only for House and school teams, but also independently or within squads outside of school is mightily impressive. Through participation across an array of sports, these youngsters personify the QEHS culture of 'Sport for All'. Long may this philosophy, level of engagement and degree of success continue.
The selflessness of students at QEHS is another key attribute and something that truly serves to differentiate those youngsters who attend Queenies from those in many other schools. Details of fundraising activities for Save the Children, MQ Mental Health, The Royal British Legion and for our partner school in Mvumi, Tanzania are outlined over the following pages. Similarly, the House system is something very special and unique to QEHS, and the opportunities made available through House activities to foster confidence and to hone leadership skills is second to none. In addition to the programme of House tournaments of a sporting nature, we have enjoyed a wonderful evening of House Music this term. This event really is delivered by students for students, and the extent to which our amazing Sixth Form House Captains 'rally the troops' is remarkable. From selecting the musical performances, to leading rehearsals, to managing stage fright on the big night, our Upper School students lead by example. Congratulations to Brunel and Darwin for picking up the top prizes!
As we reach the midpoint of the academic year, we see Year 13 and Year 11 students sitting their final set of mock exams either side of the half term break. The indicators are that a determined effort to correct the errors of earlier mocks and to drive on through the grade boundaries is prevailing. This is great to see and reflects students' desire to show of their best and to be as fully prepared as possible for the summer exam season. Thank you for the support you are offering at home too. With everyone pulling in the same direction, together we continue to make QEHS the very special place it is.
Do enjoy the half term break and the quality time you will spend with family and friends.
Mr R Eastham

Oxbridge Offers
We are delighted that four of our wonderful Year 13 students have received offers to study at Oxford or Cambridge.
Pictured here with Mr Eastham (left to right) are:
- Noah S who has received an offer from St John's College Oxford to read Geography
- Tom B-R who has received the offer of a place at St Hugh's College Oxford to read Biology
- Eboney A who has received an offer to study at Trinity College Cambridge reading History
- Jonah B who has received the offer of a place at Clare College Cambridge to read History
Very many congratulations to all four, and everyone at QEHS wishes each of you the very best of luck with your preparations for this summer's examinations. You all certainly deserve to secure places at these prestigious Oxbridge colleges. Well done on receiving your offers and for shining so brightly throughout the selection process. A brilliant achievement!
Mr R Eastham

Noah, Tom, Eboney, Jonah and Mr Eastham
Headteacher's Commendation Awards
Following recommendations from staff, congratulations are in order for Isla B (12B), Jess H (13D) and Khushi H (13D) for being awarded this term's Headteacher's Commendation Awards as detailed below:
Learning to Learn - Isla B (12B) nominated by Mr Watt
For showing an outstanding attitude to learning, since day one of Year 12. Isla works incredibly hard every lesson, asks questions when she needs to and is a regular at the Physics Lunchtime Club. As a result her grades are the best in the cohort.
Behaviour for Learning and Leadership for Learning - Jess H (13D) nominated by Mrs Housham
For being a huge part of the Sixth Form Senior Team. Jess is always happy to help and go the extra mile, and has also thrown herself into House activities, organising and running House events. Jess’s attitude to school life is amazing, she is always the same selfless person and is never any different and you know you can always rely on Jess for anything that is needed. She also plays a huge part out of school within the cadets and has represented them at numerous events.
What has really impressed me, however, is Jess’s approach to her UCAS application. She has applied to do Midwifery at 5 Universities, Hull, York, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Northumbria. She has secured 5 interviews and is currently sitting on 3 offers, 1 holding offer, and 1 interview yet to go. The universities have even lowered the offers to BBB, so that tells me they really do want her on the course. The research and time she has dedicated to preparing for these interviews has been so impressive and is a credit to her, and this shows in the offers she has received. She tells me that most students first apply for nursing as it is then easier to get into Midwifery, but Jess has bitten the bullet and gone straight for what she feels passionate about. Jess is such a modest student and I for one am rooting for her and hope she receives the success she so well deserves.
Leadership for Learning - Khushi H (13D) nominated by Mrs Wood
For showing phenomenal leadership in the House Music competition. Khushi's organisation of Team Darwin was so good that it was commented on by other members of staff. Khushi's manner meant the rest of the House listened and respected her. An absolute role model for leadership at QEHS.

Isla B, Khushi H, Jess H and Mr Eastham
Term 3 Superstars
Congratulations to all the students who have been selected this term's Subject and Year Group Superstars!
International Bomber Command Centre
On Wednesday 22 January, my classmates of Year 9 and I embarked on an unforgettable trip to the International Bomber Command Centre in Lincoln. The visit was designed to deepen our understanding of the history of Bomber Command and how it played a vital role in WW2. Throughout our day it did just that, through immersive workshops, historical galleries and hands-on experiences that truly brought the past to life.
Exploring Galleries: Stories from the Past
Our first workshop took place inside the Centre’s galleries, where we explored powerful exhibitions filled with photographs, personal stories and interactive displays allowing us a pathway to the past- if only for a bit. While also viewing short videos, which provided us with a gripping visual account of wartime action, roles of Bomber Command, bravery of certain Squadrons and sacrifices of the aircrew.
As we moved throughout the exhibits, we answered questions that encouraged us to think critically about the experience of those involved. One of the highlights was taking part in an captivating experience led by our guide as it portrayed the difficult times soldiers were conflicted with across the time of the war, alongside the bravery shown to lead us to victory. I particularly enjoyed how the gallery combined storytelling with interactive learning, making it much easier to stay engaged while also absorbing so much history.
Hands-On History: Artefact Handling and Immersive Learning
The second workshop was a fascinating hands-on experience where we had the rare opportunity to examine historical artefacts, relics and replicas. In my opinion, I felt very privileged that I got to have a rare glimpse into the history behind the war that others may not get the chance to.
Holding these objects, some of which have been used by aircrews decades ago, gave us a tangible connection to the past. It was incredible to imagine the stories behind these personal belongings such as flight diaries and badges earned by courageous pilots.
This session also included the chance to wear authentic replica pilot uniforms, giving us a sense of what it may feel like to prepare for a mission. Were they scared, excited to serve, or a bit of both?
Memorial Gardens: A Time for Reflection
The final part of our visit took us outside to the Memorial Gardens. As we walked amongst the commemorative stones, we reflected on the bravery of those remembered there. The atmosphere was both peaceful and reflective, reminding us of the sacrifices made by the air crews.
One of the most striking features was the giant spire, 102ft (31.09m) high, the wingspan of the Avro Lancaster bomber. We also had the chance to step inside a replica bomb shelter, which gave us a glimpse of what civilians endured during air raids. The confined space and the thought of spending long hours in such conditions made us truly appreciate the resilience of those who lived through the war.
Final thoughts
Overall, our visit to the International Bomber Command Centre was an eye-opening and impactful experience. I particularly enjoyed the balance between learning and interaction. The workshops allowed us to engage with history rather than just read about it. From exploring the galleries to handling historical artefacts and walking through the memorial gardens, every moment of the trip provided a new perspective on the past. It was a day filled with learning, reflection, and appreciation for those who came before us, all combining to make it a truly unforgettable and meaningful experience.
Ava M (9B)

Hardwick Hall
History is a necessary ingredient for the cake of life. Without it, we would be flavourless, there would be no structure, no design, and no flamboyant flavours whatsoever. When our group was given the opportunity to visit Hardwick Hall, we discovered how the amazing woman, Bess of Hardwick, climbed her way to the top of Elizabethan society, and how Hardwick Hall reflected that.
For our GCSE Elizabethan paper, we have been learning the struggles that Bess overcame to become the Countess of Shrewsbury - a well respected friend to Elizabeth I. Born into a middle class family, she wisely invested and charmed her way into four separate marriages, earning herself a place in the Queen’s Royal Court. Her fourth marriage turned sour, due to improper relations involving her husband, the Earl of Shrewsbury, and Mary Queen of Scots - who at the time was being kept with the couple because of indifferences between Mary and Elizabeth I. Bess, having invested wisely in profitable businesses, was able to remove herself from her husband’s residence and build Hardwick Hall, the epitome of status and society in the highest order.
On Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 January, Year 11 History students paid a visit to the grounds and stately home that is Hardwick Hall, which allowed us to further develop our understanding for the chosen designs and incredible architecture. Vibrant colours, adding life and stories of strong women, are prominent throughout the home, shown in tapestries, bed frames and portraits. The Great Chamber is blanketed in these extraordinary tapestries brought to life by the glorious light let in by the four tiered windows, mirrored on the other side of the house. The Long Gallery is where Bess would have spent a lot of her time, exercising on dull days or maybe enjoying a natter with friends in the afternoon. This room also kept many treasures such as hidden rooms and mighty bay windows. The neatly trimmed knot garden was a popular design at the time and reflected a high status in society. Some of the fascinating external architectural features are: pillars, representative of knowledge and education; creating a loggia, which demonstrated the change in architectural fashions, and most significantly, the whole house is in the shape of an E, a clear demonstration of the love, loyalty and respect for the Queen. It must also be noted how Bess built Hardiwick right beside her childhood home, symbolic of how far she had come as a woman in a male dominated England. She is truly an inspiration in our lives today.
The trip did wonders for our knowledge of the topic and understanding of our home country’s past. We are very grateful for this experience and would instantly recommend it to future students studying Hardwick Hall.
Esmé B (11B) and Ava M (11E)

After the trip to Hardwick Hall, the History Department ran an essay competition. There were many fantastic entries. See below one example:
‘The main change that Elizabethan Stately homes demonstrated was social status.’ How far does a study of Hardwick Hall support this statement? Explain your answer. You should refer to Hardwick Hall and your contextual knowledge. 20 marks.
I would agree that one of the key changes demonstrated by Elizabethan stately homes was social status. This is shown as Bess of Hardwick built Hardwick Hall in the image of the Great Chain of Being. At the bottom of the House were the servants’ quarters and halls. This is consistent with servants and the poor being lower down the hierarchy. As you go up the House, you see the public rooms and meeting rooms. This is where much of Bess’ business and engagements would have taken place. These rooms are well furnished and have vibrant colours, huge windows and depictions of many figures from mythology. This is not only an indication of her social status but also of her education and knowledge as well as her wealth. An emphasis on Diana, the huntress, shows her loyalty and close relationship with Queen Elizabeth, however, the representations of Mary Queen of Scots are also seen around the house are not a challenge to Elizabeth’s throne, but rather a reminder of her and her husbands, George Talbot’s service to the crown in keeping her under house arrest for years. This is another suggestion of her social status in society, as she has been tasked with the charge of the most important enemy of the Queen. As you go even further up the House, you reach the top level. This is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, showing her close relationship with the most powerful woman in the country and her social standing. Even higher than this are the letters ‘ES’ on the top of the House. This is a reference here to her status as countess. Her title is something she gained on marrying her final husband, George Talbot and showed how her social status had changed and risen.
Bess’ granddaughter, Arbella Stuart lived with her for a long time towards the end of her life. Arbella was third in line to the throne, so was raised as an heir to England. This was a stark contrast to Bess’ own upbringing in Old Hardwick Hall, just across the road, where she was born in to lower gentry. This contrast is a testimony to Bess’ achievements and movement up the Great Chain of Being.
However, another key change was the influence of new fashions. The Renaissance styles adopted were a testament to both Bess’ tastes and to her second husband, William Cavendish whose house at Chatsworth was an inspiration in the building of Hardwick. The architect was called Robert Smythson and his employment was a show of not only Bess’ wealth but of her dedication to changing fashions. The symmetry and light, as well as the famous Loggia show the change from defensive, military houses to a House built for comfort and show. The Loggia was inspired by Italian fashions and it’s inclusion marks Hardwick as the first house without an internal courtyard.
Additionally, the change in wealth of owners is a big factor in the design of Elizabethan houses. ‘Hardwick Hall more glass than wall’ is a saying related to the huge window all around the house, but the glass serves a bigger purpose than just light. By including lots of glass – which was very expensive – Bess is also reminding people of her position as the second wealthiest woman in England behind the Queen. The inside of the House was furnished with expensive items such as the Gideon Tapestries, which she bought for £325 or £100,000 in today’s money. In order to furnish her house quickly, Bess bought these second hand and had the seal changed later. Her expensive Turkish carpets and French furniture showed her taste and her dedication to appearances, changing fashions as they were sourced from all over the world at great cost.
In the final analysis, I agree that social status was the biggest change in Hardwick Hall and Elizabethan buildings. The dedication to the Great Chain of Being was shown all over her house and every room had an indication to her success, her rising social status and her loyalty to the Queen.
Alice L (11C)
Year 10 Trip to Sheffield
Fieldwork is a compulsory element of both the GCSE and A Level Geography syllabus and is one that students both enjoy and find helpful in furnishing their understanding of the core principles of the subject. Year 10 students visited Sheffield in February in order to enrich their knowledge of Sheffield as a case study and to gather data for the geographical investigation element of the course. Sheffield was, as promised, cold and damp but that didn’t put us off! The students studied the brutalist post-war architecture of the city and analysed the effectiveness of its integrated transport system. They also gathered data to assess the success of the Heart of the City project, the regeneration of the city centre which includes the remodelling of the Peace Gardens and the creation of the Winter Gardens. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and the students returned secure in their knowledge and understanding of England’s fourth most important city.

Beyond the Classroom: A Journey into Shakespeare’s Darkest Tragedy
On the evening of Wednesday 5 February, some of our Year 10 and 11 students were transported to the dark depths of Dunsinane to enjoy a cinematic screening of David Tennant’s Macbeth. As part of their English Literature studies, this was a unique opportunity to experience Shakespeare’s haunting tragedy on the big screen, performed by one of Britain’s most renowned actors.
Reading the play in class had given students a solid foundation, but watching a professional performance—especially one led by Tennant, famous for his compelling stage presence—promised to bring the play to life in a powerful new way.
A Captivating Performance
From the moment the film began, Tennant’s portrayal of Macbeth captivated the audience. His descent from a noble warrior to a paranoid tyrant unfolded with raw intensity, leaving students on the edge of their seats. The production’s modern setting, paired with Shakespeare’s timeless language, made the play feel immediate and relevant.
The production also offered a fresh take on Lady Macbeth, played with commanding intensity by Cush Jumbo. Her portrayal of ambition and later unravelling madness added another layer of depth to the play’s themes of power and guilt. The infamous sleepwalking scene was especially haunting, with her desperate attempts to cleanse her hands of imaginary blood leaving a lasting impression.
For many, the experience reinforced the power of live performance in bringing literature to life. “I never fully grasped Macbeth’s paranoia until I saw it acted out,” reflected one of our Year 11 students. Another added, “Watching the play in a modern setting made it feel more relevant to today’s world.”
A Lasting Educational Experience
In our lessons following the production, we are going to explore these new insights and capitalise on our deeper appreciation for Shakespeare’s work. As GCSE mock exams approach, the screening provides an invaluable revision tool, helping students visualise key scenes and better analyse characters’ motivations. Most importantly, it reminds everyone that Shakespeare is not just words on a page but a living, breathing experience meant to be seen, heard, and felt.
Mrs K Regan
Head of English

House Music
On Tuesday 28 January, all six Houses competed in the annual House Music event. This was a fantastic night and the effort each of the Houses put into it was incredible! See the results below along with a few words from the winners - Brunel and Darwin.

This year Brunel performed 'Hot To Go' by Chappell Roan, 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder, and 'Can-Can' from Orpheus in the underworld by Offenbach. It was hard work, but the process was fun thanks to all the talented Brunel students, who demonstrated dedication and enthusiasm. We made so much progress in order to win first place for Quality and Variety, especially considering how it started. We hope Brunel can bring the same energy into next year's House Music Competition.
Charlie D (13B)

Team Brunel

Brunel students holding their prize

Team Brunel
For House Music I played the drums for Darwin House for the songs 'Shut Up and Dance' and 'Proud Mary'. I enjoyed supporting my House and performing to a great audience. Whilst watching the other teams there was pizza, and the House team took part in 'Just Dance'. It was nice seeing the younger years having fun. On the night we all played really well but there was only ever going to be Darwin winning. It was good to see everyone working together and it is partly down to the hard work from our House and Vice-Captains who helped organise the performance and take part in it. The key part of winning is having the correct mindset which for us is summed up in, “It’s a competition and my mission is to destroy it” - Kobe Bryant
Seb S (11D)

Darwin holding their prize

Team Elgar
QEHS Talent Show
On Thursday 19 December 2024, students in all year groups had the opportunity to perform in and watch the annual QEHS Talent Show. There were some incredible musical performances from a rock music group to a violin instrumental. Well done to everyone who performed and to Ethan and Tobin in Year 13 for being fantastic hosts!

ABRSM Results
Congratulations to Kabir S (8S) who passed his Grade 6 Drum Exam with a Distinction.
Everyone in the Performing Arts Faculty are extremely proud of your achievements.
Performing Arts Faculty

Kabir playing the drums
Cheryl Wins Two Medals at the Northern Athletics Championships
Congratulations to Cheryl N (7E) who competed in the Northern Athletics Championships for the Under-13 Girls and won two medals. Cheryl won a Silver for 200m, just one second shy of Gold and secured a Bronze for 60m.
Well done Cheryl!

Cheryl on the stand with the other winners after winning a Silver Medal

Cheryl with her Bronze and Silver Medals

Cheryl on the stand with the other winners after winning a Bronze Medal
Success for Abigail and Henry at the Anglian Schools Championships
Huge congratulations to both Abigail F (7A) Henry G (7S) who both raced at the Lincolnshire Cross Country Competition on Saturday 11 January and then both went on to represent Lincolnshire at the Anglian Schools Championships on Saturday 1 February. Both students put up a huge fight on a tough course and proudly represented Lincolnshire as Year 7 students.
Staff at QEHS are exceptionally proud of both Abigail and Henry's achievements and we are excited ahead of next academic year when they will compete again to get to Nationals.
Well done both of you!

Abigail at the Lincolnshire Cross Country Competition

Henry at the Lincolnshire Cross Country Competition with his medal after securing third place
Maisie and Amelia play against Leicester City
Well done to Maisie B (8D) and Amelia L (8C) who played for Lincoln City vs Leicester City at the Leicester City training ground on Tuesday 4 February. It’s great to see two of our outstanding footballers flying the flag so well for girls football around Lincolnshire.
Well done to you both!

Maisie and Amelia at Leicester City Training Ground
Charlie’s Athletics Success
Congratulations to Charlie R (9B) who competed in the National Age Group Athletics Championships and won a Gold Medal for the Triple Jump with a jump of 11 metres 77cm, which makes him England indoor and outdoor Triple Jump Champion. Charlie also won a Bronze Medal in the 200 metres sprint with a time of 23.5 seconds in his heat which was a personal best time and then backed this up in the final with 23.57 seconds for third place.
Charlie also won a Bronze Medal in the 60 metre hurdles, with another personal best time of 8.83 in his heat and 8.74 seconds in his final for third place. After all this, Charlie competed in the pole vault and came 11th, with 2 metres and 41 cm, although his personal best is 2 metres and 93 cm.
Charlie has the Combined Events National Championships on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 March, which he is training towards next. This is the indoor Pentathlon, which consists, of the; 60 metre Hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put and the 800 metres.
Charlie has worked very hard for his achievements, alongside his rugby training and matches with Lincoln Rugby Club.
Well done Charlie!

Charlie with one of his awards

Charlie with his Gold Medal
Year 7 and 8 Literacy
A month into the morning registration activities based around improving literacy, and the students in Years 7 and 8 have been focusing on the Greek root word ‘geo’. After exploring the etymology of ‘geo’ and discussing the meanings of terms where it is used, the students then read the poem ‘Voices of the Earth’ by Archibald Lampman. Their task was to create a poem in the style of Lampman’s about their favourite season of the year, starting with the first four lines of Lampman's poem and then continuing with their own words. The first four lines are below, along with some examples of the students' work:
Voices of the Earth – Archibald Lampman
We have not heard the music of the spheres,
The song of star to star, but there are sounds
More deep than human joy and human tears,
That Nature uses in her common rounds;

Well done to all the students who emailed me their poetry. You have all received positive behaviour points.
February focuses on the Greek root words of ‘semi’ and ‘hemi’, and I look forward to the students challenging themselves to create a 6-word story based on a view of the Earth.
Mrs L Wood
Teacher of English
Authors, Authors Everywhere!
There are over 3000 fiction titles in the QEHS Library, written by over 1000 different authors, so choosing a book can be a bewildering experience!
We are always happy to help people find a new book and we encourage students to recommend books to their friends and class mates. If a student uses our online Library catalogue at https://uk.accessit.online/QNL05 and selects a title they have enjoyed, they can find suggestions of similar books that they might also like. We also aim to help our readers by arranging the books in genres and we introduce our Year 7 students to different popular authors during their Library lessons.
Look at the Author Cloud below and see how many different children’s authors you recognise!
Mrs Stevenson and Mrs Timms
QEHS Library

Save the Children
Thank you to everyone who contributed to 'Christmas Jumper Day' on Tuesday 17 December 2024. A total of £355.09 was raised. £177.55 will go to Save the Children and £177.54 will go to supporting QEHS projects. Along with the Christmas Hamper Raffle, the total raised was a brilliant £628.11.

Mvumi School Trust
Thank you to everyone who contributed to 'Civvies Day' on Thursday 19 December 2024. A total of £480.00 was raised. £240.00 will go to Mvumi School Trust and £240.00 will go to supporting QEHS projects.

The Royal British Legion
£144.89 was raised from the Poppy Appeal which contributed to the total amount raised of £24,093 in the district. Thank you to all students, parents/guardians and staff for your contributions.

Mrs Redgate-Large's Sweet Sale
On Friday 7 February, Mrs Redgate-Large hosted a Sweet Sale to raise money for MQ Mental Health. This is the charity that Mrs Redgate-Large will be running the London Marathon for in April. The total raised in the Sweet Sale was £203.50. Thank you to all the students who purchased sweets.
To read more about her fundraising or to donate, follow this link: https://www.justgiving.com/page/emily-kneller-1717082529482?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Femily-kneller-1717082529482&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share&fbclid=IwY2xjawF6RBNleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHfz7tzny_2BrvBXbpuAUgA0daaIpmJ8km4R44DYF5mSmNmbuGX6cjZLVRg_aem_8DkrlCGRfQGMFiYgTy-X6Q

Term 3 House Standing
Click here to view the latest House Results.

House Standing for Term 3
Term 4 House Events
Junior Cross Country
Wednesday 5 March - PM
Junior Maths
Friday 7 March - P1-4
Senior Handball (Girls)
Wednesday 12 March - P5-6
Senior Handball (Boys)
Wednesday 26 March - P5-6
Junior Handball
Friday 4 April - Boys P1-3 and Girls P4-6
Term 3 Staffing Update
We say a sad farewell to Mrs D Hall (Senior Mental Health Lead) this term. We wish her all the very best for the future.
This term we welcomed Mr V Tervis as HR Officer.
Buy-A-Brick Campaign

Follow us on Social Media
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/QueenElizHigh
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/qehsgainsborough/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/QueenElizHigh
Retford FC Ladies

The Dog House
Could you provide a loving home for a rescue dog? The Channel 4 series, The Dog House is looking for couples, individuals, friends and families who are seriously considering bringing a rescue dog into their lives and are willing to share their reasons for doing so.
Please follow this link to apply:
The Dog House | Channel 4 or email [email protected]