Leadership Team

The Leadership Team is made up of the Headteacher, two Deputy Headteachers, four Assistant Headteachers and the School Business Director.


Click here for the full Staff List.


Why do we have Governors?

Governance is a key part of a successful school. Every governing board has the following three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its students, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Boards must be ambitious for all children and young people and infused with a passion for education and a commitment to continuous school improvement that enables the best possible outcomes. Governance must be grounded in reality as defined by both high-quality objective data and a full understanding of the views and needs of students, staff, parents, carers and local communities.

Effective governance is based on six key features:

  • Strategic leadership that sets and champions vision, ethos and strategy.
  • Accountability that drives up educational standards and financial performance.
  • People with the right skills, experience, qualities and capacity.
  • Structures that reinforce clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
  • Compliance with statutory and contractual requirements.
  • Evaluation to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance.

QEHS Governing Body

Governance at QEHS

The governing body of QEHS is responsible for setting the ethos and vision of the school and working with the Headteacher and Leadership Team to identify areas where the school needs to improve and planning how to make those improvements. We strive to ensure that the educational performance of the students is strong and that the budget is used properly and effectively.

According to our Instrument of Government approved by the Local Authority, our governing body is made up of 17 governors (5 elected from and by parents/guardians; 1 elected from and by the staff; 1 nominated by the Local Authority, the Headteacher and 9 appointed by the governing body to ensure we have members with the skills and experience to discharge the responsibilities placed on the governing body by the Department for Education.

To discharge those responsibilities, the governing body at QEHS has the following Committee Structure whose terms of reference can be found here. These are currently under review.

Full Governing Board (Chair: Mrs Jodi Daubney and Mrs Hannah Wood)

Admissions Committee (Chair: To be confirmed)

Curriculum and Standards (Chair: Mr Abbas Choudry)

Resources (Chair: Mr Philip Hayward)

Steering Committee (Acting Chair: Mrs Jodi Daubney and Mrs Hannah Wood) – terms of reference to be subsumed into other committees.

Welfare (Chair: Mrs Amy Willis)

We are required by law to keep a register of any business interests of the governors and Headteacher which includes declaring any governance roles in other educational institutions and any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff. This can be found here along with information on which governor sits on which committee and their attendance record in the academic year 2023/24.

How to contact the Governors

Governors are not involved in the day-to-day issues of running the school which are managed by the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team. If you would like to contact the Governors, please email [email protected] and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.