Pastoral Support at Queen Elizabeth's High School

Queen Elizabeth’s High School's pastoral system aims to create mechanisms and networks of support through which each individual matters and feels secure. Form Tutors have responsibility for the pastoral support of their form and offer the personal face of the school. They should be your first point of contact if you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing. Wherever possible, the Form Tutor and Head of Year will remain with your child throughout their school life so that their knowledge and understanding of your child can guide them through these important school years. 

Students meet daily with Form Tutors during morning and afternoon form times, for registration, daily notices, group discussions and an opportunity to catch up and discuss any concerns. A sequence of planned activities in the morning session are led by the tutor and include a wide variety of activities including important PSHE lessons which are vital to your child’s overall development. We also use this time to deliver Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). We aim to help our students gain confidence and maturity through meaningful discussions and consideration of themselves as part of this school and of wider society.  PSHE and RSE are delivered to provide students with a wealth of knowledge which in turn will help them develop life skills for now and for their future.

Each Head of Year together with their tutor team are responsible for all students in their year group. Tutor teams meet formally to discuss important events and issues in addition to reviewing and developing the pastoral programme and monitoring the overall academic progress of each student in their year group.

We feel that the most fulfilled, happy, successful and interesting people balance a busy, challenging work life with a variety of other activities and hobbies.  At QEHS, students are offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities to further their personal development, not only to increase their future options and wellbeing, but also to make a valued contribution to the life of the school. We have a strong behaviour policy in conjunction with a desire for the students to behave and act in a responsible and respectful manner within our community.  

If you have a concern or query:

In the first instance please contact your child’s Form Tutor if you have any questions or concerns. You can do this by emailing the office at [email protected] stating the name of your child’s form tutor. Usually, if a concern is dealt with early it can prevent the situation from escalating and avoid causing your child increased anxiety or upset. Your child’s Form Tutor can ensure that the relevant support or signposting at school can be obtained to best support the needs of each student. Within school we have a number of support mechanisms including Mentors, Peer Listeners, Mental Health Ambassadors and a School Counselling Service. Form Tutors can also involve the individual subject teachers or the Head of Year if they cannot resolve the matter.

If you need help:

1. Students:

In school, if you need someone to talk with you can contact your:

  • Form Tutor
  • Class Teacher
  • Head of Year

If you are concerned for your own safety, or someone else’s, you can speak to any of the staff listed above, or one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Allan or Mrs Hall, or ask to speak to a member of the counselling team via School Reception.

At home if you need someone to talk with outside of school you can contact:

  • A responsible adult such as a parent or other family member
  • Get in touch with one of the organisations listed below

2. Parents and Students

Detailed here are a number of organisations who you can turn to for help. You can look at their websites for advice and guidance. This list is not exhaustive and there are many more organisations that can be accessed online.

There is also a free parenting course relating to parenting a teenager which you may find helpful. Please click here and use the school postcode DN21 2ST when checking the ‘free access checker’.

Mental Health

To view the Guide to Promoting Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing for your Child, click here.